Quack - an ALTO viewer

Enhanced ALTO-viewer for Quality Assurance oriented display of a collections of scans, typically from books or newspapers.

Quack screenshot


Single page display

Aggregated display (aka folder view)

Demo (thanks for hosting, GitHub)

Live demo at http://tokee.github.io/quack/demo/index.html. Works in FireFox, seems to work in Chrome. IE, ELinks, Safari and other? No clue.

Download and code

Visit https://github.com/tokee/quack for standard GitHub goodness. Quack is Apache 2 Open Source.


Quack is developed and tested exclusively under Linux. It should work under OS X and it might be possible to run it under Windows with Cygwin.


Quack is basically a simple bash script that grew to 1700+ lines. It works on a collection of images with corresponding ALTO-files with OCR and segmentation markup. It creates a HTML page for each image and uses the relevant parts of the ALTO files for creating TextBlock overlays with OCR inspection. No webserver is required as the pages can be used directly from the file system.

It can be quite heavy for the browser to display large images with OpenSeadragon, when there is a lot of ALTO-derived overlays. This is especially true if tiling is not used. Display has been tested with Firefox & Chrome. Chrome was markedly faster as of 2013-09-17.

The name Quack is a play on QA (Quality Assurance) and quack (the doctor was a quack), signifying that it is at heart a hack run wild. It it also the sound a duck makes.


Developed primarily by Toke Eskildsen; partly as a personal project, partly as an employee at the State and University Library, Denmark.